I think we have agreed a plan. Another plan, that is. After all the changes because of the rivers in flood and the Stourport breach, I think we're up to Plan G.
We'll head off down the Stockton locks, up Hatton, and into Birmingham via Knowle, Camp Hill, Ashted, and Farmer's Bridge. We'll then take the Old Main Line to Dudley, where we'll visit the Black Country Living Museum. Then we'll spend a couple of days exploring some of the northern BCN, including the Wyrley & Essington and Walsall Canals. We'll head out of Birmingham on the Worcs and Birmingham, turning down the Stratford Canal at King's Norton Junction and making our way down to Stratford. Then we'll return to Kingswood Junction, go back down Hatton, and return to Stockton Top.
I reckon that's about 136 miles, and 219 locks, which should keep us busy.
18 hours ago
Now that sounds like a really good plan - can't wait to read your BCN reports. Have fun!
That'll be a two-week trip then?
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